Paperclip Award!

What a great way to start a Sunday, which is the “Monday” of my work week so I don’t usually wake up on Sunday’s with a cheery disposition! Lovely Limebird Beth of the Limebird Writers has nominated me for the Paperclip Award! Huzzah!

The award comes with some questions for me to answer. Here goes!

1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I went through a period of wanting to be an astronaut, because I loved studying the solar system. And using the new term I learned from Limebird Beth today… I realized I was pretty pants at science so there went that idea. Then I wanted to be a rock star but I’m super shy so scratch that (plus I never really learned to play any instrument). Then around my Junior year of high school I realized what I really loved was film and that was that!

2. What is your ultimate favorite place to be?

I’m not sure I have a favorite place. I don’t have a big tree I like to sit under, or person’s house I like to visit often. I mean, I like being with the husband wherever he is, and we have a date night each week and that’s usually my favorite night of the week, wherever it is we are going.

We go to  a convention every year in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. It’s a nerd convention that he always has a lot of fun with, signing up for nerd games and stuff. I just have fun tagging along and being in a “big” city for a few days eating at different restaurants and meeting different people. I don’t know if that is my “favorite” place to be, but I look forward to it a lot, just having a chance to get out of town for a few days a week.

Plus we get to meet the awesome Lloyd Kaufman there, he’s pretty great! Everyone should meet Lloyd Kaufman!

Lloyd Kaufman with me and my husband in 2010

Lloyd Kaufman helped my husband with a homework assignment, and he got an "A" on it! (2011)

3. Name one famous person who inspires you. (Just one!!!)

Ellen DeGeneres

4. Tea or Coffee?
I love them both! I love coffee drinks, and I love sweet iced tea. (that’s the worst part of going to Indianapolis, those crazy northerners don’t drink the sweet tea like we do here in the south!)  Right now my favorite drink is a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso, so that’s a combo of tea and coffee!

5. If you could be any other person for 48 hours, who would you be?
Ok this is tough, because my first thought was Jared Padalecki so I could hang out with Jensen Ackles on the set of Supernatural for two days…but then I realized I’d equally like to be Jensen Ackles so I could hang out with Jared Padalecki for two days. So can I split this, one day as Jared Padalecki and one day as Jensen Ackles? Pretty please?


6. What is your earliest memory?
Putting gum in my Snuggle Bear’s mouth, and getting yelled at for pretty much gluing his mouth shut.

7. If you could ask anyone in the world, living or dead, anything, who would you ask, and what would you ask them?
Oh wow… this is a tough one. I know I’d like to talk to my Granny and Pap again (they both died in 2009), but I’m not sure what I’d ask them. Maybe more about their past so I could know more details about their lives pre-me.

8. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
I honestly don’t do scary things. I’m a freaking scaredy-cat. Balloons terrify me because you never know when they will pop! So I’d say the thing that made me most nervous was trying out for the All-State choir my senior year of high school, because you have to stand alone in a room and sing a capella for like 3 full minutes. I thought I’d rather die than do that.

9. What is your favorite book?
I don’t know if I could pick one! Like Beth, I’ve recently loved The Hunger Games. One of my all time favorites is Stephen King’s The Stand. Gotta love me some Harry Potter (can’t pick one)! One of my favorite books since I was probably 6 or so is C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Also, I have to show some love to Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, and Invisible Monsters. So children’s fantasy novels, books about the end of the world, and novel’s about crazy people who aren’t happy being themselves…sure that makes sense.

10. Briefly explain one of the weirdest dreams you have ever had.
Oh I have weird dreams all the time. So last night I had a dream that Woo (that’s my husband), my friend Monica and I were at an airport (a place I’ve never been). There was an escaped convict running around and they were evacuating the place, and putting people in large vans to drive them somewhere safe. The three of us got in this van, and it started to drive off but stopped suddenly because a police van drove in front of us. We saw that they had the convict chained up inside and so we all relaxed. Then the police man got out of the police van and unchained the convict and he ran off again! We were freaking out because he was right next to us so we locked the doors. Then the police man opened the back of our van to get a gun to chase the guy down with (it seems he should have had his own gun already, but dreams don’t make sense) Something happened, and he ended up shooting Woo twice, but only grazing his arm. Then he ran off, and we all ran back into the airport so Woo could get some treatment for his arm.

Once we got inside the airport an alarm went off and someone came over the loud speaker that the whole place needed to be decontaminated (I’m not sure from what). So we were all handed radiation jackets to protect our organs, hauled into one big room and someone flipped a switch where we were all blasted with radiation for a while. Then that was over and either we forgot about the escaped convict or didn’t care anymore, we started wondering around the airport. I then randomly ran into Melissa McCarthy (Gilmore Girls, Bridesmaids). I kept trying to tell her how much I loved her as Sookie St. James from the Gilmore Girls but she couldn’t be bothered to talk to me and it made me sad.

Then I ran to another part of the airport that had a tattoo convention and there was a tattoo scavenger hunt – you had to find the tattoo artist doing a particular tattoo and get them to tattoo it on you. I decided I’d do my own tattoos rather than finding the actual tattoo artists, and so I ended up with two boot tattoos, and a cartoon dog. I remember that I ran into another girl there who had found the actual tattoo artist to do the boot tattoo, and her tattoo was a really pretty feminine bow, with a boot in the center that you could hardly tell was a boot. I then tried to find a tattoo artist to cover up my tattoo mistakes. I’m not even that into tattoos so I don’t know what that was all about.

I guess that was three dreams now that I think about it, but they all took place in that airport.

11. What one song best describes you? (Feel free to post a link to a Youtube vid)
Well this is another tough one! When I was a teenager I’d say any of the Good Charlotte “angry at the absent father” songs.

12. Pen or pencil?
Pen! I love collecting odd pens.

13. Is 13 an unlucky number or not?


Ok there you  have it, a bunch of random and hard to answer questions!

I’ve decided that instead of passing this on to particular people, I will consider anyone who likes or comments on this tagged, because I value anyone who actually takes the time to read my blog!

11 thoughts on “Paperclip Award!

  1. 1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    From the day my father told me that America is a place where people can do what they want to do, I was five at the time, it was the place I wanted to be no matter what I was doing.
    2. What is your ultimate favorite place to be?
    I’m not sure I have a favorite place/thing is waking up with my boyfriend, having breakfast in bed and checking to news on our laptops.
    3. Name one famous person who inspires you. (Just one!!!)
    Not sure maybe Saadia Gaon
    4. Tea or Coffee?
    5. If you could be any other person for 48 hours, who would you be?
    I would say Storm although Wolverine is my all time favorite x-men I couldn’t want to deal with the switching of gender in those precious 48 hours.
    6. What is your earliest memory?
    Getting lost in a crowd of people.
    7. If you could ask anyone in the world, living or dead, anything, who would you ask, and what would you ask them?
    Einstein, question “what did you mean with the “God of Spinoza””
    8. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
    Not sure, there were many scary things and now looking back they don’t appear as scary or nerve racking as they were at the time.
    9. What is your favorite book?
    I don’t know if I could pick one there are too many I like each one for different reasons!
    10. Briefly explain one of the weirdest dreams you have ever had.
    Aliens stole my brain right before a computer science exam and the teacher didn’t believe even though I had a gaping hole in my forehead.
    11. What one song best describes you? (Feel free to post a link to a Youtube vid)
    One of many
    12. Pen or pencil?
    Not sure.
    13. Is 13 an unlucky number or not?

    Thanks this was fun

    • Oo thanks for commenting back!!
      Breakfast in bed is nice! I’m like you, I cant think of a particular favorite place, but I like being with my husband so wherever he is I’m good with.

      If I was going to be an X-men character I might try Mystique out or… oh my gosh I can’t think of his name… the guy that can bamf all over the place. oh my gosh if I wasn’t trying to think of his name I’d know it.

      That is a crazy dream! You’d think a hole in the forehead would be enough to prove your point.

  2. Pingback: Paper clip award | Sally Panayiotou's digital bookshelf

  3. Congrats, Laura! I loved your answers. I’m a scaredy cat too, so that would be a hard question to answer. And I have never watched Supernatural, but um, yeah, can kind of see why you might be interested in hanging out with those, er, specimens. Delish. Gotta say I agree with your choice of Lion, Witch & Wardrobe–that always makes it into my top 10 books of a lifetime.

    Thanks for sharing, it was fun getting to know you a little better!

    • Thanks Kate 🙂 You have GOT to watch Supernatural ooooooooooooooo I could just stare at them for hours on end hehe 🙂 If you have netflix its on streaming season’s 1-6 (season 7 is on Tv right now) I think my husband is going to take netflix away from me if I don’t stop watching it 😀

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